
Aylesbury Driving Test Centre Practice Routes

In order to allow examiners to provide a test more representative of real driving conditions, the DVSA no longer publishes the current driving test routes. The below routes were the most recent to be published for the Aylesbury driving test centre. If the test centre has relocated since the last routes were published, then these routes will be applicable to the old location.

Please note that these routes are indicative only and examiners may alter their exact routes at their discretion, for example depending on traffic conditions.

Aylesbury Route Number 1
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre Left
Walton Grove End of the road, left
Walton Rd Gyratory system left
Wendover Rd Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Cambourne Ave Left
Tunfurlong Lane 2nd right
Westmorland Ave End of the road, right
Howard Ave End of the road, left
Long Meadow End of the road, left
Bedgrove Roundabout right
Tring Road Roundabout left
Broughton Lane / Burcott lane End of the road, left
Aylesbury Rd Roundabout left
Copice Way 4th left
Field Way End of the road, right
Meadow Way End of the road, left
Douglas Rd Right
Stocklake Roundabout right
Park St Roundabout left
Cambridge St Roundabout left
Upper Hundreds Way Roundabout right
Vale Park Drive Roundabout left
High St Roundabout right 4th exit
Walton Rd 2nd left
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 2
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre
Car Park Left
Walton Grove Left
Walton Rd 3rd exit at Gyratory system
Walton St Roundabout left
Friarage Rd 2 x roundabout ahead, mini roundabout right
Oxford Rd 3 x mini roundabout ahead
Buckingham Rd 2nd right
Dunsham Lane 3rd left
Drayton Rd End of the road, right
Dunsham Lane End of the road, right
Buckingham Rd Roundabout right 3rd exit
Elmhurst Rd Left
Cannock Rd 2nd Right
Gilmore Rd End of the road, left
Elmhurst Rd Roundabout left
Aylesbury Rd Double mini roundabout ahead, 4th right
Burcott Lane / Broughton Lane Double mini roundabout right
Akeman Rd Right
Richmond Rd Left
Broughton Ave Right
Connought Rd Return to
Broughton Ave End of the road, left
Oakfield Rd Mini roundabout right
Tring Rd Roundabout left
Walton Rd 2nd left
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 3
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre Left
Walton Grove Right
Walton Rd Roundabout right 4th exit
Tring Rd Roundabout ahead, 2nd right
Regent Rd End of the road, left
Limes Ave Right
Northumberland Ave Left
Howard Ave End of the road, left
Long Meadow Turn into
Brentwood Way End of the road, left
Bedgrove 2 x mini roundabout ahead
Aston Clinton Rd / Aylesbury Rd Mini roundabout right
Western Rd / Brook End Mini roundabout ahead
Main St / Marroway Roundabout right
Wendover Rd 2 x roundabout ahead, mini roundabout ahead, 2nd exit at Gyratory system
Walton St Roundabout right
Exchange St Roundabout right
Lower High St Roundabout right 4th exit
Walton Rd 2nd left
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 4
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre
Car Park Left
Walton Grove Left
Walton Rd Left at Gyratory System
Wendover Rd Mini roundabout ahead, 2nd right
Elm Farm Rd Left
Charmfield Rd End of the road, left
Weill Rd End of the road, right
Patrick Way Left
Eastcote Rd End of the road, right
Wendover Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
Marrow Way Roundabout ahead
Main St Right
Bates Lane Return to
Main St Mini roundabout left
New Rd End of the road, left
Aston Clinton Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Broughton Lane Left
Stocklake End of the road, right
Douglas Rd Left
Stocklake Return to
Douglas Rd Roundabout left
Bierton Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Cambridge St Roundabout right
New St Left, 3 x mini roundabout ahead
Oxford Rd Mini roundabout right
Friarage Rd Left
Castle St Right
Temple Sq End of the road, right
Rickfords Hill Left
Friarage Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Walton St Left at Gyratory System
Walton Rd Right
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 5
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre
Car Park Left
Walton Grove Left
Walton Rd Ahead at Gyratory System, 2nd exit
Stoke Rd / Mandeville Rd Mini roundabout left
Harvey Rd Return to
Mandeville Rd Roundabout
Churchill Ave 2nd right
Marlborough Rd / Wellington Rd End of the road, right
Rutherford Rd End of the road, left
Churchill Ave Roundabout right
Lower Rd Roundabout ahead, 2nd right
Marsh Lane End of the road, right
Bishopstone Rd Crossroads right
Portway Rd End of the road, right
Oxford Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout left, Traffic lights, left
Fowler Rd 2 x mini roundabout ahead, left
Rowland Way Return to
Fowler Rd 2 x mini roundabout ahead, Traffic lights, left
Oxford Rd Double mini roundabouts ahead, 3 x mini roundabout ahead
Buckingham Rd Roundabout right
Elmhurst Rd Roundabout right
Beirton Rd Mini roundabout left
Park St Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Walton Rd 2nd left
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 6
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre Left
Walton Grove End of the road, left
Walton Rd Gyratory System right 3rd exit
Walton St Roundabout right
Exchange St Roundabout ahead
Vale Park Drive Roundabout left
Upper Hundreds Way Roundabout ahead
New St Roundabout right
Buckingham Rd Turn into
Elmhurst Rd Left
Cannock Rd 2nd right
Gilmore Rd End of the road, left
Elmhurst Rd Roundabout left
Aylesbury Rd Double roundabout ahead, 4th right
Burcott Lane / Broughton Lane Roundabout right
Tring Rd Roundabout left
Bedgrove Right
Queens Mead End of the road, right
Craigwell Ave End of the road, right
Regent Rd End of the road, left
Tring Rd 2nd mini roundabout right
Oakfield Rd 3rd left
Stocklake Roundabout ahead
Vale Park Drive Roundabout ahead, roundabout left
High St Roundabout right 4th exit
Walton Rd 2nd left
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 7
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre Left
Walton Grove Right
Walton Rd Roundabout left
Lower High St Roundabout right
Vale Park Drive Roundabout left
Upper Hundreds Way Roundabout ahead
New St Mini roundabout right
Buckingham Rd Roundabout ahead, mini roundabout ahead
A413 Right
New Rd Crossroads ahead
Aston Abbots Rd / Limes Hill / Moat Lane 2nd right, End of the road, right
The Green / Wingrave Rd End of the road, right
The Green / Wingrave Rd End of the road, right
A418 / Aylesbury Rd Left
Bierton Rd Roundabout left
Douglas Rd 3rd right
Stocklake Roundabout left
Park St Roundabout right 3rd exit
Walton Rd 2nd left
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 8
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre Left
Walton Grove Right
Walton St Roundabout 2nd exit
Park St Roundabout right
Stocklake End of the road, left
Douglas Rd Roundabout right 3rd exit
Aylesbury Rd Mini roundabout left
Oldhams Meadows Return to
Aylesbury Rd / A418 Crossroads left
Wingrave Rd / The Green 2nd left, End of the road, left
Moat Lane / Limes Hill / Aston Abbots Rd / New Rd End of the road, left
A413 Roundabout 1st exit
Watermead Roundabout right
Watermeadow Return to
Watermead Roundabout left
Buckingham Rd Roundabout ahead, mini roundabout left
New St Roundabout ahead
Upper Hundreds Way Roundabout right
Vale Park Drive Roundabout left
Lower High St Roundabout 4th exit
Walton Rd 2nd left
Walton Grove
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 9
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre Left
Walton Grove Right
Walton Rd Roundabout right 4th exit
Tring Rd Double mini roundabout right
King Edward Ave Double mini roundabout ahead
Wendover Way Mini roundabout left
Wendover Rd Right
Spencer Rd Left
Westminster Drive End of the road, right
Ringstead Way Turn into
Lynwood Rd End of the road, right
Elm Farm Rd Left
Hazelhurst Drive End of the road, left
Waivers Way End of the road, right
Charmfield Rd End of the road, left
Weill Rd End of the road, right
Patrick Way Left
Eastcote Rd End of the road, right
Wendover Rd Roundabout ahead
A413 Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Wendover By Pass Roundabout right
Nash Lee Rd Roundabout right
Risborough Rd Roundabout left
Lower Rd Mini roundabout ahead
Mandeville Rd 2 x mini roundabout ahead
Stoke Rd 2nd exit gyratory system
Walton Rd Right
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 10
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre Left
Walton Grove Right
Turnfurlong Mini roundabout ahead
Kind Edward Ave Mini roundabout left
Tring Rd Mini roundabout right
Oakfield Rd Right
Broughton Ave End of the road, right
Richmond Rd End of the road, left
Akeman Way Mini roundabout left
Tring Rd Mini roundabout left
Broughton Lane / Burcott Lane End of the road, left
Aylesbury Rd 2 x mini roundabouts ahead, roundabout right
Elmhurst Rd Roundabout left
Buckingham Rd 3 x mini roundabouts ahead
Oxford Rd Roundabout left
Friarage Rd Left
Castle St Right
Temple Square End of the road, right
Rickfords Hill Left
Friarage Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Walton St Traffic lights, left
Walton Rd Right
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 11
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre Left
Walton Grove Right
Walton Rd Right
Turnfurlong Mini roundabout left, mini roundabout right
Turnfurlong Lane Left
Westmoreland Ave Left
Northumberland Ave End of the road, right
Limes Ave End of the road, left
Long Meadow End of the road, left
Bedgrove Mini roundabout right, mini roundabout ahead
Tring Rd Right
New Rd Mini roundabout right
Main St Mini roundabout ahead
Marroway Roundabout right
Aylesbury Rd Roundabout left
Station Rd Roundabout bear right
Lower Rd Roundabout left
Churchill Ave Roundabout ahead, roundabout right
Cotesloe Rd 2nd right
Clover Lane / Old Stoke Rd Roundabout right 4th exit
Stoke Rd Left, left at Gyratory System
Walton St Roundabout right
Exchange St Roundabout right
Lower High St Roundabout right 4th exit
Walton Rd 2nd left
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle
Aylesbury Route Number 12
Street Name Instruction
Starting from the Driving Test Centre Left
Walton Grove Right
Walton St Roundabout right 4th exit
Tring Rd Roundabout left
Oakfield Rd Right
Broughton Ave 5th left
Connought Rd Return to
Broughton Ave End of the road, right
Richmond Rd End of the road, left
Akeman Rd Roundabout ahead
Bedgrove Right
Queens Mead End of the road, left
Craigwell Ave End of the road, right
Limes Ave Left
Northumberland Ave End of the road, right
Westmoreland Ave End of the road, right
Turnfurlong Lane Mini roundabout left, mini roundabout ahead
Wendover Way Mini roundabout right
Wendover Rd Gyratory system ahead, 2nd exit
Walton St Roundabout left
Friarage Rd 2 x roundabout ahead, mini roundabout right
Oxford Rd Triple mini roundabout right
Upper Hundreds Way Roundabout right
Vale Park Drive Roundabout left
Lower High St Roundabout right 4th exit
Walton Rd 2nd left
Walton Grove Right
Arrive into the Driving Test Centre Park your vehicle